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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  March 21, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> brian: we certainly enjoyed having you with us all morning long. >> steve: speak for yourself. [ laughter ] >> brian: you don't enjoy the people? >> alisyn: tomorrow geraldo rivera. thank you for joining us. bill: good morning, everybody. we're on the hunt for a killer. massive search ongoing for the person who murdered in cold blood one of colorado's top prison officials. tom clement gunned down as he answered the door. it happened in front of his wife. good morning. i'm bill hemmer, welcome to "america's newsroom." this broke yesterday. martha: a terrible story. welcome, bill. i'm martha maccallum. they have security beefed up. the state capitol is on alert. this shooting happened in a quiet wooded neighborhood. monument, colorado, not too far from denver.
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they want to speak to a woman out exercising in the area who they believe may have seen something. >> we have information that leads us to belief there was a white female, perhaps the between the age of 35 and 50 or speed walking or exercising if you will, along colonial park drive about 8:30 last night. she has been described wearing light pants, a dark windbreaker and also a hat. this is not a person of interest concerning the crime but rather someone we may have made observations that could be valuable to us. bill: they might have clues. still the search continues. claudia cowan leads our coverage in denver. what do we know about the woman police are describing there? >> reporter: well, bill and martha, good morning. police want to talk to the woman because she was out walking during the time. shooting. she may have seen a car they are looking for. she may have even seen the suspect. investigators are looking for a late model car, possibly a lincoln or a
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cadillac that a neighbor spotted at around the time of the shooting on tuesday night. folks who live in this upscale neighborhood are on edge, fearing that the shooter might come back and expressing their condolences to the their friend and neighbor. the clements family issued a statement saying, quote, we're thankful for the overwhelming support and concern in the wake of tom's death. our family lost a devoted husband and beloved father. there are no words at this time to describe our grief and loss. as the manhunt continues the family is asking for privacy. bill and martha, funeral arrangements are pending. back to you. bill: police expected to give an update on this story this morning, claudia? >> reporter: we have not heard of any updates schedule. that could change throughout the day. we understand they're communicating with reporters via twitter and e-mail press statements. we're standing by. we hope to learn more details as the day goes on. bill: we'll bring you back when that happens. claudia cowan leading
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coverage on that story that broke on our watch, martha. martha: one of the big questions who had a motive in this crime? investigators are looking into one possibility and that is that his death could be linked to his recent decision not to grant a prison transfer for a saudi national who was serving time for holding a housekeeper as a sex slave. this man who you see pictured here is the member of an influential saudi family and also reportedly had ties to an islamic terror group. that is one. avenues they're looking into. clements recently requested chemicals to execute nathan dunlap. he was convicted of killing four people during a shooting rampage at a chuck e. cheese restaurant in 1993. he was involved in a lot of decisions. these are two they are looking into. bill: meantime there is action in the house congressional leaders meeting right now in fact as we await a major vote this afternoon on paul ryan's
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budget plan. that would set out to balance the budget for the next 10 years, expectedpass in t will likely face stiff opposition in the senate where democrats are putting out their own plan. oklahoma senator tom coburn says he wants to see the cuts that make an impact. >> it's a matter of adjusting priorities. we waste a ton of money in lots of areas throughout the federal government and what we have failed to do is to give flexibility to all these agencies to, they know what's important, what's not and we've chosen not to do that. harry reid on the senate floor decided not to allow votes to do that. bill: we'll see whether or not they pick and choose real soon. senator kelly ayotte out of new hampshire has a big voice if this. we'll talk to her about the efforts to cut wasteful spending in programs she says should go. that is coming up shortly. martha: we have brand new fox polls out this morning about budget and taxes. look at numbers.
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people were asked what bugs you the most when paying your taxes? the list is so long. how could you think about what bothers you most. number one, 43% the way the government spends their money, 43% is what really bugs them the most. 38% goes to one of the president's biggest talking points during the campaign. people say they don't think some folks pay their fair share. goes on from there. the tax forms and amount you pay which is always bothersome. what do you think? bill: i think i need more options than just four there. the other thing that showed up in the fox polling how significant the debt was and how people are reflecting that. we'll talk about that later. martha: teenager gets first paycheck and think they make x-amount of an hour and expect the whole paycheck to reflect that. they go, oh, so much of my paycheck is gone. welcome to the tax system. cyprus is getting a new ultimatum today. the european central bank is now telling the island
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nation to come up with a plan to secure a bailout by this monday or emergency aid for their banks will be cut off. very serious situation going on here for cyprus. stuart varney, anchor of "varney & company" on the fox business network joins me right now. stuart, where does all this stand now? >> wait until you hear this. there is ultimatum to cyprus, get a deal by monday midnight or you don't get a bailout. banks are closed all the way to next tuesday. stock market is closed. hints of a deal, cash from russia. here is the big one, martha. they're debating right now in the cypriot parliament of idea of seizing pension money. nationalizing semipublic, semiprivate pension fund companies. that is how far they're going. it reminds you of the seizure of private bank deposits, now the seizure of pension money. it is a sign of desperation. things are coming to a he had he. we may be witnessing the first country to leave the euro. that is a possibility at
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this point. martha: boy, i mean that opens up all kind of questions about whether or not, you know, the euro was a good idea in the first place and whether or not it is part what caused so much of a downdraft in so many of these countries, stuart. >> you know what, martha what made things worrying to many people was that proposal that the government in cyprus reach into your bank account to take money out of it. that proposal is ditched. it's gone, voted down. now there's a new one, maybe we'll take control, nationalize your pension money which is even more broad based grab for private resources. that is what people are worried about all over the world. martha: stuart, thank you very much. >> sure thing. martha: stuart varney. boy, that is one to watch. many european countries have big issues as we were just talking about. five countries have needed bailouts from the european central bank from the imf along with cyprus. it includes, greece, spain, ireland and portugal. the economies there are slowing. germany the fifth biggest and great britain at number
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8 and italy at number 10, all shrinking in the last quarter. the entire eurozone is losing huge numbers of jobs. a record 19 million people in the eurozone are now unemployed. tough times. bill: will be that way for years. rocket fire now in israel. police are saying hamas militants in gaza fired two rockets into that country slamming a border town. as president obama meets with palestinian leaders today in the west bank. conor powell is live in the town of sirot, israel, southern part of the country where police say one of those rockets landed. conor. hello. >> reporter: well, bill, israeli officials actually upped the number to four rockets that have been fired from gaza into southern israel earlier today. while much of the physical damage is fairly minor, bill, it was damage to a patio. there is the emotional damage. this is the second time this house here in sderot has been damaged in the last four or five months.
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there is the symbolic damage. fragile ceasefire agreed to in thanksgiving has been broken. no doubt this volley of rockets that came from gaza was tied to president obama's trip to israel and the west bank earlier today. bill: you wonder what has been said even out of gaza or hamas. what are they trying it say to this, conor? >> reporter: bill it is clear. we don't know if it was hamas or islamic jihad but this is the palestinians in gaza saying don't forget about us. we're part of the equation. president obama is meeting with israeli leaders and the palestinian authority leaders in the west bank. they're not meeting with hamas or other groups from gaza. so it is clear this is probably a palestinian effort from gaza to say, hey, we're here, we're part of the equation, don't forget about us but of course gaza doesn't want to meet with u.s. and israeli officials. they're not even on speaking terms with the palestinian authority right now. it is not clear what they want other than to scare the world with these rocket attacks. bill: sometimes this is a
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daily occurrence. has it been that way lately, conor? >> reporter: the ceasefire has actually held for the last four months. there was one rocket attack in the last four months. there was fragile ceasefire signed and implemented since thanksgiving after that very deadly week of fighting between israelis and palestinians in gaza. so far it's held but right now who knows what will happen next. that is always the fear. there is the fear of further violence going forward, bill. bill: thank you, conor powell southern israel on that. more on the president's trip in a moment too. thank you. martha: israeli leaders saying that the rocket fire is the reminder of the dangers that israel faces every single day. a former aide to prime minister netanyahu on that threat next. bill: also, did they or did they not? president obama saying chemical weapons in syria would be a real game-changer. what would then trigger a u.s. intervention and how? we'll debate that. martha: and get this. one of america's largest
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pharmacy chains is about to become big brother according to this story. the personal details that employees are going to have to turn over or possibly face a very big fine. it is all related to health care. is that legal? that's coming up. [ giada ] why did i switch to natural instincts? it's healthier, ammonia-free. and with aloe, vitamin e, and coconut oil, my hair looks healthier than before i colored. i switched. you should too, to natural instincts.
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martha: lawmakers are stepping up the pressure on tsa to keep passengers from bringing knives on to airplanes. 100 congress sent a letter to the tsa asking him to reconsider the new carry-on guidelines. starting next month people will be able to take small nifls and some sports gear with them on the airplane. tsa says the policy change will let agents focus on more dangerous security threats. they have gotten a lot of backlash. we'll see where it goes. bill: from the middle east, rockets hitting israel on the second day of president obama's visit. militants firing rockets in southern israel. we have a former aide to prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. talk about the rockets in a moment. principally for your concerns of this trip is iran. what do you expect to be done about it? >> the big question whether in the private meetings between the prime minister and the president they got down to the clarity whether iran is at the red line. the big question is whether iran has gotten the nuclear weapons or is close to them. there is a report out from a former cia official, agent in iran there is a new facility that is just breaking now. we'll see how that goes. the question is how much time does prime minister netanyahu believe he has until he would have to strike and does the president support him on that. bill: your piece at is very well-written. one of the main points you make, joel, is whether or not the president would give the green light for israel to take out sites in iran if indeed you can prove the sanctions and covert operation haves failed. on the map, iran to the east. you're talking a distance from what, washington, d.c. to pittsburgh, pennsylvania,
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perhaps a little longer than that? advance it one time because the rockets fired earlier today came right down here in gaza. this is an area 44 miles from the center of tel aviv, the main and most populous section of the country of israel. we can zoom in on the map and show you a little closer for the geography where all this is surrounded here and what do viewers need to understand? >> we're talking about just moment, you have seconds, if a rocket is fired from gaza into southern israel. i was there during the war in november. thousands of rockets and missiles were coming in and we had a situation where iron dome rockets were firing those down but the big issue ultimately isn't the rockets from gaza. that is almost a nuisance in the geopolitical sense. it is missiles from iran and from syria with chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. that's, that's the worst-case scenario. i write about it in my new book, damascus countidown but it is not fiction.
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they're talking about a real threat and it is coming up close. bill: what the israelis built the iron dome missile defense shield which worked tremendously well last time around with hamas. what is the state of affairs with the relationship benjamin netanyahu and president obama? how is it going? >> it is complicated but it seems to be improving the optics are certainly warm. the question is what is happening behind closed doors. i think both men see it in their interests, the national interest of both countries to close the gap. if they have disagreements keep them behind closed doors. keep working on them. don't let disagreements with this moment with this threat from iran and syria become public. keep that daylight limited. bill: what is public is that the reception that chuck hagel has been received by the israeli people has not been necessarily flattering as the new defense secretary. in addition to that it is public that ben benjamin netanyahu supported the other guy. he was a fan of mitt romney.
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>> these political moments are going to happen. the u.s. under president obama has a lot to rebuild in terms of credibility with the israeli people. the president is trying to divide jerusalem, roll israel back to the 1967 borders which are indefensible and pressure israel not to launch a preemptive military strike against iran, all three of which are issues israelis take very personally because it is in their national security interests. but for the president to actually be on the ground in israel is always a historic moment. it is important with this president and prime minister. and i don't want to be a cynic. i'm a critic of the president's policies on iran but i don't want to be a cynic. bill: one more point here. we mentioned the green light. you suggest if the green light has not been given, why not? >> yeah. well, the press conference yesterday was interesting. it will take some time to sift this thing out but the president's repeatedly stated that israel has the right of self-defense and the united states should be helping israel be able to defend itself by itself.
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that's close a green light to tell israel they could launch if they had to. so we're going to have to see this thing, we'll have to see it through more statements by the president and hear some of the behind the scenes reporting in the next few days and weeks. bill: joel, great to see you. joel rosenberg, check out his latest column at fox news tot dom. -- thank you, joel. martha: the u.n. chief ban ki-moon is saying the u.n. will launch an investigation whether or not chemical weapons were used in syria. both sides, the rebels and the syrian government have accused the other of using chemical weapons on the ground in syria. president obama said the investigation is ongoing and we'll wait to see what the finding is before taking action but clearly it could be a red line if indeed those weapons were used. heart break for the u.s. marine corps.
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seven servicemembers killed in an explosion during a training exercise. what we now know about what happened. we'll be right back. oh this is lame, investors could lose tens of thousands of dollars on their 401(k) to hidden fees. is that what you're looking for, like a hidden fee in your giant mom bag? maybe i have them... oh that's right i don't because i rolled my account over to e-trade where... woah. okay... they don't have hidden fees... hey fern. the junkrawer? why would they... is that my gerbil? you said he moved to a tiny farm.
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bill: some amazing video now. this is a supermarket where you find a shopper saving a toddler's life. a little girl stops breathing. the guy next in line, a stranger, lifts the child on the counter, clears away all the groceries and gives the little girl mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. within minutes she is breathing yet again. the girl's father in the red t-shirt hugs the good samaritan. the girl is at home. a shopping day they will not forget. martha: amazing video. we hope everybody has the wherewithal to pull off what that man did. thank goodness he was there. all right. we want to bring you
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this story as well, very haurt breaking. we have new deals about a seven marines killed in mortar explosion earlier this week. it happened at the hawthorne depot in the nevada. the oldest was 27 years old. the youngest was 19. among these victims a 21-year-old who always wanted to go into the military like his dad. will thomas with our washington fox affiliate wttg has his story. >> a lot of tears. a lot of emotion. >> reporter: friends and family called him taylor. the 21-year-old lance corporal, among seven marines killed in an explosion. it wasn't enmy fire. an accident during training exercises monday night in nevada. it was at the hawthorne army depot. a mortgage round under expectedly went off. >> awesome son, awesome brother. awesome friend, awesome marine. what more can you say. >> reporter: his son's full
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name, william taylor the fourth. and warrior on the baseball diamond on the high school. he with as pitcher on the varsity team. >> put a smile on your face. had a quick word to make you laugh. made your dade day. he walked into the room and immediately the room lit up. >> reporter: taylor was in a specialty platoon. his specialty? mortars? he was already in afghanistan where he had done two tours and one in kuwait. >> he came to us probably dinner, hey this is what i'm going to do. i'm going to join the marine corps. i'm going into the infantry and i'm going to fight. >> reporter: the marine corps suspended the use of the type of mortar that killed taylor and the others along with the firing tubes until investigators figure out what happened. >> in the end there will be some investigation and some result will come out of it. it doesn't change what happened. there are seven dead heroes. there is number of wounded heroes. it doesn't change anything. i'm sure they will tell us in time. i'm not worried about today. i have to plan a funeral for
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my son. no parent should ever have to do that. martha: that is so true. your heart goes out to all the families. what a fine young man we heard described by his father. that report came from wttg, will thomas on the story. lance corporal taylor wilde's family saw him at super bowl weekend. they say he was a big ravens fan. the victims, their families are hart broken. ages 26 to 19. really too young to be lost in this accident. training from camp lejeune in north carolina and in nevada. his smile lights up the whole room. that looks to be of all those fine young man. bill: a good father a strong man. so budget battles continue in washington. how do you curb the government's massive spending habit? senator kelly ayotte shares her no-brainer idea to save hundreds of millions of dollars. we'll talk to her live.
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martha: we've all had coworkers sell us thin mints and samosa on behalf of girl scout daughters, boy do we appreciate that. we're hearing from one mom losing herl paycheck for it. >> this is crazy because i can't profit from selling girl scout cookies. it is volunteer thing for the girl scouts. i'm a cookie mom trying to help her daughter earn her badges and her trips and stuff like that is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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battle brewing on capitol hill right now. we're awaiting a vote that's planned for today in the house on congressman paul ryan's plan to balance the budget in 10 years, that program would. while the senate is debating a string of budget proposals that would go into all of this and also have to do with the so-called continuing resolution. new hampshire senator kelly ayotte introduced an amendment to cut a missile system that she says the pentagon has already accepted that they will never use. its nickname is called the missile to no where. freeing it up would save $381 million. good morning, senator. great to have you with us today. >> great to be here. >> what is the missile to nowhere? >> this is a missile program we already spent $3 billion on that the army said it doesn't want. that the pentagon said it will never procure, we'll never get result on the
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missile can use. they prohibited funding in the most recent defense authorization on a bipartisan basis. yet the appropriators put money back in for it, $380 million. for literally a missile to nowhere. we'll never get anything our troops can use from it. it is outrageous. i tried to get a vote on this to strike this funding and to put the funding to use for our troops could use it and i couldn't get a vote on the senate floor. it is very outrageous. martha: certainly so you under like a no-brainer to listening to what you said. who is standing in the way? who is supporting this missile to nowhere the army said who doesn't have a use for this project? >> who is standing in the way, a combination of people. appropriators, might somehow benefit a company in their state to keep spending money on something we're not going to be able to get any results for our military. and also the majority leader of the senate blocked me
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from bringing this common sense amendment to the senate floor. you think about it. i actually have bipartisan support for this amendment. i think they're worried it would pass. can you believe it? with sequestration, $380 million we're going to waste of taxpayer dollars? martha: what does harry reid, what states are primarily affected or benefit from that program? and why does harry reid refuse to allow it to be part of the bill? >> well, it's only a handful of states, martha. i might also add, by the way this $380 million, most of it doesn't benefit the united states. we're in partnership on this missile program with the italians and the germans and most of this $380 million is going to help, i guess jobs in germany and italy? ridiculous. martha: what does he have against it? what was his reasoning? what did he tell you? >> too hard to bring all the amendments, martha. really absurd. at this point it is like basically another one of those deals of trying to stop us from eliminating wasteful spending in
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washington. i don't, this is why the american people are so frustrated with what happens in washington. it is outrageous you can't strike money for a missile to nowhere. martha: you think about it on a personal level. if you have something that would save you a big chunk of money and you knew you weren't going to use it, nobody in the family would use it it, would be very easy to cross it off the list. let's pull up the "fox news poll". goes to issue of white house tours. we bring up. something everyone can sort of relate to. we were told, by the white house, that the secret service simply could not afford to continue these tours. that prompts the question, what else, you know, could we get rid of to keep some of these things in place? >> right. martha: if you look at this, could president obama reinstate white house tours if he wanted to? 63% say, yes he could. >> of course he could. martha, there's no question he could. okay, here's $380 million i got you right there. martha: that's my point. >> strike that. the other point in this, in my office budget, martha, last year i gave back 21% of
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my budget. are you delling me the white house can't find funds within its budget to allow schoolchildren to see the white house? it is really ridiculous when you think about it, that they can't find funds within their existing budget. i know they could if they tried. martha: we also talked about the overlapping agencies. i played yesterday a sound bite of the president in his own state of the union address talking about how three different agencies dealt with salmon. and we looked it up to try to figure out if that was still happening and it is still happening. in many of the case he cited those agencies have grown in their responsibilities, not been cut. what can be done about all of the overlap and redundancy? >> here's what can be done. since i've been in the senate a little over two years, i voted five times to implement government accountability reports that eliminate duplication, waste and fraud. these reports, this work has already been done, martha. we're multiple agencies across government like 50 programs are working on the same thing with no results.
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and so there's a lot of work that we could do. i want to tell you though, those five times i voted for it, it didn't pass. can you believe it? when you think about it. we're not going to allow schoolchildren to go into the white house. that is where just no common sense in any of this. martha: talk to me a little bit before i let you go about this paul ryan budget voted on today. we have patty murray's version of the budget over in the senate. where does this all look to be headed in your opinion? >> well, right now, the democratic budget in the senate is fiscally irresponsible. you have a over a trillion dollars in new taxes and it never balances. it really, it doesn't deal with the underlying fiscal challenges and crisis facing our country. by contrast what congressman ryan has put forward is going to balance in the 10th year. it doesn't raise taxes and it puts us on a responsible fiscal path. so there's a real contrast. i think you will hear the contrast on the senate floor. we'll be bringing amendments to try to change the budget
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that the democrats have offered to strike the tax increases and to balance the budget. martha: how long will you hang in there on your missile to nowhere in holding up the passage of this? >> well, martha, it passed yesterday. so i tried, i did whatever i could. i objected to harry reid. but i want you to know, martha, i'm not letting this go. in fact i will bring it up on any bill i can to strike this money. martha: kelly ayotte, senator from new hampshire, thank you very much. good to have you with us again. >> great to see you. bill: you know how much i like salmon too so. martha: you need three agencies to make sure it's okay. bill: you know how much i love a thin mint and dosido. this cost one mother her job. tracy lewis. was fired for the long-time job on the campus of american university for selling girl scout cookies. her company accusing her of gross misconduct by sew listing and operating a
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personal cash business. mother says she has been doing it for years and doesn't even profit from it. >> they didn't give me any warning. it is crazy because i can't profit from selling girl scout cookies. it is volunteer thing for the girl scouts. i'm a cookie mom. i'm trying to help my daughter earn her badges and trips. i had the girl scout cookies on a cart, if so happened someone asks would they like to buy them, i sell them but, i don't ask them to buy the cookies. >> she does it out of the goodness of her heart. i don't think that someone should be terminated for selling girl scout cookies and doing a charity thing. bill: she has been told to cut it out by her job. now, you had a whole voting bloc a couple cycles ago called soccer moms. now these are cookie moms. i'm a big fan. martha: i'm a fan of thin mints. bill: put the thin mints in the freezer. like so good six months later. >> that is absolutely true. as a former girl scout when
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you're in competition to sell as many cookies as you can and going all around the neighborhood and get the girls whose mom sells 500 boxes at work and, --. bill: wonder if that is fair. martha: that is a little bit unfair. but all goes into the pot and pays for trips to everybody. but still --. bill: all the cookie moms. martha: with the thin mints. bill: we're watching now. martha: all right. coming up here in "america's newsroom", as we've been telling you this week there is a killer on the loose in colorado and we've got some new information about this manhunt after the state's head corrections officer was gunned down at his own home in cold blood. bill: we have to get that killer too. president obama on chemical weapons in syria. if it is true why he calls the move a game-changer and what it means for u.s. involvement in that country.
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♪ . martha: you know that theme song from "the big bang theory", right? the final frontier a little bit older than we thought it was. scientists are now saying that the universe is 80 million years older than previously known. they say they have mostly detailed the map of the earlier universe and trying to figure out when it was created. this comes courtesy of a european space telescope. the findings back up "the big bang theory". that it burst from subatomic size to a fraction of a second. how amazing is that? bill: so now new reaction from president obama to allegations that chemical weapons may have been used in the civil war in syria. some in congress suggested
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that the wmds have been used but the president says the u.s. is still trying to get to the bottom of it. >> once we established the facts, i have made clear that the use of chemical weapons is a game-changer and i won't make announcement today about next steps because i think we have to gather the facts but i do think that when you start seeing weapons that can cause potential devastation and mass casualties, and you let that genie out of the bottle, then, you are looking potentially at even more horrific scenes than we've already seen in syria. bill: doug schoen, former advisor to president clinton. monica crowley radio talk show host. both are fox news contributors and welcome to both of you. tough, tough topic here. not yet confirmed. there are still fish shuns widespread, what to do if
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the red line is crossed publicly many times? it was not the first time. there was august of 2012. >> we've seen middle east dictators show no hesitation to use these chemical agents before. assad's own father used them. 40,000 syrians killed in hama. saddam hussein didn't hesitate to use chemical weapons against his own people and the iranian people. we know there is pattern in the middle east. the question is whether or not it actually happened here. when president obama talks about the red line being crossed, use of chemical agents if in fact that is proven would be the red line and i would believe provoke u.s. military intervention. bill: doug, what do you think?. >> i couldn't agree with monica more. let's be clear. this is the interest of the united states and our only stable democratic ally in the region, israel. israelis said, two ministers said yesterday they have definitive evidence that chemical weapons have been used in aleppo.
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i think we need to prepare for the likelihood we will have to intervene militarily on the side of the coalition to end this. bill: senator feinstein two days ago said we need to be prepared for dark days and she was in a highly classified meeting along with mike rogers, the republican too on the house side. and i don't know what they were told you about they came out with a very strong language after that briefing. >> yeah. very interesting what's happening because remember, when the obama administration intervened in libya, they used a doctrine that came out of samantha power, one of obama's top national security advisors during the first term and that doctrine was called, responsibility to protect. so when there are, when there's a severe humanitarian crisis, when civilians are being threatened, that was the doctrine they used to justify going into libya and overthrowing qaddafi. in this case the civil war has been going on 19 months.
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we have 70,000 people dead. yet that doctrine didn't kick in yet. if in fact chemical agents have been used here, i think that would be the tripwire for the administration but the question is not being asked, why haven't you intervened yet? if this is consistent doctrine throughout our administration whether it was egypt, libya, you name it, why haven't you intervened? do you need the red line in this case and why? bill: what do you think? >> again i think monica is right. we led from behind in libya. i was disquieted by that we pulled out of iraq. again the country is moving towards chaos. 70,000 is the number, monica is absolutely right. i believe we should have been aiding the french in the coalition against assad. i believe it is criminal we let this happen and i think we have an affirmative obligation as eliot cohen wrote in the journal yesterday to lead. bill: a lot of this frankly easier said than done. >> right. bill: senator feinstein said they know of a dozen sites in central and northern
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syria. even if you know where they are, how do you secure them? how would you carry that out? how would you do it successfully? >> where tough to do. where did they acquire the chemical weapons? where did they get them? that is the another big issue with regard to iran. if you're going to militarily target nuclear facilities in iran how with you destroy everything so they don't retaliate against israel and our troops remaining in the region? these are very tough issues. what i say is interesting the muslim brotherhood got its act together in israel. they are in position to take over. they create admit call party. it may be this administration was waiting for the brotherhood to be able to take over should assad fall. bill: you think so? >> before there is intervention. >> certainly possible. bill: give you the last word. you say it is possible? >> it is certainly possible. that is what happened in egypt. the bottom line to your question, bill, the israelis
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were able to take out at least with the acquiescence if not support of the united states the nuclear facility in syria. that was done successfully. bill: that was under construction. these are live chemical weapons. we don't know where they go. >> i would say the israelis do know. the president is in israel. long overdue visit. that is where the discussion needs to be done. bill: thanks very much. what's next, martha? martha: one. countries most popular pharmacies is coming under fire this morning. they now say that employees must tell their boss their weight and body mass index or pay a fat fine so to speak. why some are saying that this could just be the start and other companies may begin doing the same thing.
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martha: some outrage being expressed over a controversial mandate from one of the nation's largest pharmacies. cvs is just weeks away from requiring their employees to hand over personal health information like their weight, their body mass index, their glucose levels and more and those who don't fess up, or don't want to be part of this are going to be fined. an annual fine of $600 if you don't turn over this information. cvs says it wants to help the employees to be healthy as they can be. judge andrew napolitano joins us now, our senior judicial analyst in great shape these days and would have no problem turning over his data. >> you are very kind. martha: so what do you think? >> i think this is a consequence of the federal government micromanaging health care and forcing employers to provide coverage to all employees, many who otherwise wouldn't qualify for it. and forcing them to provide coverage, whether the employees need it or not.
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so cvs has 200,000 employees. martha: right. >> they have an interest in hiring 200,000 healthy employees. think about it. if they can save a few dollars a month, that is a million dollars a month total and $12 million a year, et cetera. their job is to maximize profits for the shareholders and make css work as efficiently as possible. so will obamacare result in larger people with, with larger body mass and higher glucose levels not getting employed? would that be an unintended consequence of obamacare? martha: you know, there's a couple of things that i see at work here. one is that if you don't want to sign up for this program you're not going to want to work at cvs, right? >> right. martha: they will attract people who are okay with signing up for the program. the other interesting thing to me, every company has a $63 charge for every employee on obamacare this comes out to the $600 a
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year. if they decide, i think a lot of companies will look for ways to sort of pass that cost onto the employee from obamacare? >> one of the reasons this is so expensive because obamacare has a one-size-fits-all. so a human being who couldn't possibly use, let's say abortion coverage is still paying for it in his or her insurance policy. you can not taylor an insurance policy to your own particular needs. we knew that was coming but i don't think we realized even though of us who didn't read all 2700 pages but have a good understanding what is in there, we didn't realize the economic effect of people not being able to get jobs because they're overweight. maybe judges will have to decide what is obese? is it 10 pounds heavier than your height? is it 20 pounds? is it 50 pounds. martha: look what cvs says about this because they have this statement. all personal health data from the screenings are collected and reviewed by a third party administrator.
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rather it is to help employees make the best decisions about their own health care. they point out that 79% according to cvs, 79% of the companies have a health assessment in place for companies. they're not saying that we're out of step with what is going on in corporate america. >> they're probably right. the reason we're talking about it because it applies to such a huge number of people, 200,000 right off the bat starting in a week. martha: the fine clearly helps to pass along the cost of obamacare to employee right? >> absolutely. because contrary to what the president said, these insurance policies will cost more than the coverage you had before the federal micromanagement. martha: judge, always good to see you. >> pleasure, martha. thanks for having me. bill: i used to work at another network, the other place, you had to sign a no-smoking agreement. i don't think it was ever enforced. the logic this was for insurance reasons. so maybe there's something there. martha: yep. there you go. >> could be, bill. martha: i what place was that i wonder?
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>> he has forgotten the name. martha: we don't remember the name. bill: the hunt for a corrections officers killer. what he did days before that might be the motive. we'll go there live. martha: american pastor locked up in iranian prison. lawmakers are saying not enough is being done to get him out ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of the country's largest petrochemical operation. ♪ when emerson takes up the challenge, "it's never been done before" simply bemes consider it solved. emerson. ♪
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martha: all right. fox news alert on the manhunt that is intensifying now in colorado for the man or woman who may have shot and killed the head of the department of corrections in colorado. tom clements, 58 years old, opened the front door of his home around 8:30 at night and was shot and killed in cold blood. it happened in the town of monument, colorado, between denver and colorado springs. very big story this morning. good morning, everybody, once again. i'm martha maccallum. bill: good morning. i'm bill hemmer. right now authorities don't have much to go on except for a possible witness seen
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exercising outside at the time of the shooting. here is the county sheriff with us now. martha: let's bring in lieutenant jeff cramer. he is the public information officer on this case. he is joining us on the phone. lieutenant, good morning. >> good morning to you both. martha: what is the latest here? what can you tell us? >> well our investigators as you can imagine are in the process of really taking in and digesting a lot of information that is coming in and prioritizing that. one thing that is very important for us right now to make sure we stay organized. there will be meetings this morning to make sure all the leads if you will, information that needs to be followed up on has been identified, has been assigned and then tracked from that point forward. those meetings will be frequent, certainly daily, probably at the very least as we continue to move through the information to try to establish what our strongest lead is and hopefully eventually make an arrest in this case. martha: in terms of actual evidence or possible witnesses we heard about this woman who was out walking in the neighborhood and we also heard about the a car that was left idling about a block away that then
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pulled away from that site a little while before this happened. anything more that is coming on those two fronts? >> no, there is nothing more but those remain important to us. that vehicle of interest is a priority for us and that's why we're still hoping for even additional information to hopefully postively identify that car. when we first put that information out we did have a few other local residents who called in corroborating similar information, having seep the car as well. we're also hoping that the woman who was exercising in the area may too have seen that car and might even have additional details that help us really firm that up but we have not heard from her as of yet. martha: so outside of the actual evidence in the house and outside of the house that we have discussed, you then go, according to the reports to the cases that he was involved in. obviously in his position at the prison he dealt with a lot of issues with prisoners. there is one saudi national that we discussed earlier in the show that was requesting a prisoner transfer that was
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denied. that case i guess is one you're looking into. there was another case as well that is also on the radar. tell us a little bit about why those two cases are of interest to you right now? >> well, we're certainly hope to all aspects, all the various angles and theories involved in this case. so we have been sensitive. we will remain sensitive to the position that mr. clements held and the fact that held up a dynamic, if you will, bringing in cases you mentioned as well as possibly others. we're working closely with the colorado department of corrections to make sure we learn and understand well what was involved in the case, who was involved and make sure that's a part of our overall investigation, still remaining open-minded to a number of other series as well. martha: is there anything you can glean from the weapon that was used or the sort of method of his execution that might give you an indication as to, you know, what shooter's background and abilities were? >> no, not necessarily at this point. of course we're not really
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singling out a detail at this point in terms of what we learned from that interaction or exchange at the doorway if you will but there is nothing necessarily that is real, that sticks out you know, in that regard. martha: what about his wife? because we know she was in the house. did she witness this person? did she see the person at the door? >> well we're not releasing those details right now. we certainly made it known a family member called 911. was at the home at the time but in term of what that family member's ability to witness the event being somewhere else in the house we're not discussing those details right now just to safeguard the integrity of the investigation. martha: understood. good to have you with us lieutenant. good luck to you. >> thank you very much. bill: a critical last question too, what his wife saw. bill gavin, former chief executive for the fbi in new york, miami and denver, head of the gaff vin group. good morning. you say it is very difficult to solve this case. why do you believe that? >> it is very difficult. doesn't appear at this particular point in time to have a lot of witnesses and
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that is always vital in solving crimes of this kind. they have to go to the forensic evidence to determine, you might go to the door knock, or the bell, how did this person nok on the door? what kind of an approach they used. did he use a revolver, he or she. i don't know the subject may be. did they use a revolver? in which case there is probably no shell casings. did they use a pistol which there are shell casings. all things are taken into account by the el paso county sheriff's office. bill: does this sound like a hit, a hit map pulled it off? >> bill, it sound more like a hit than a random shooting. i heard that theory to begin with and i predict it probably isn't. mr. clements dealt with a lot of people that weren't nice people. one of interest he just turned down of course was the saudi who had been sentenced to 28 years in jail in 2006 for the holding his housekeeper as a slave
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and raping her for four years. he requested a return to saudi to serve his sentence and mr. clements within the past week just turned that down. is that germane here? i think everything that pops up on the grid right now is something that will have to be followed up on. bill: one. clues might be a woman who was in the area at the time. we don't know who she is. we don't know if police talked to her yet or even found her. >> they probably haven't. sometimes people think i really didn't see that much. there is nothing i can give them. those, anybody can step forward or should step forward and work with the police because it is every little tiny piece of the puzzle they can put together is going to assist in resolving this particular crime. the bureau was there to cover out of state leads and to do some profiling for the sheriff's office. this will be a difficult one unless somebody has some additional information. bill: apologize for the interruption there but i want to put a fine point on this. you say this is not a random shooting? >> i would say it is not a random shooting.
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i would say, there is some reason why mr. clements was killed. bill: sir, thank you. bill gavin out of boston. the manhunt continues in monument, colorado. sir, thank you very much. martha: back to washington now where the cia's controversial overseas drone program may be shifting to be under the power of the pentagon now. what does that mean for the future of this method? elizabeth prann is live in washington. what is the white house's plan on this, elizabeth? >> reporter: well, good morning, martha. the obama administration is working to transfer the drone program from the cia to the military. so the agency won't immediately leave the business of unmanned drones. today they work with the department of defense but with this plan the cia would eventually return to its more traditional role of providing tell against to the military. now there is reaction really on both side. some feel the program is more effective under the agency's control while others say it is the military running the show there would be more transparency and accountability. the obama administration has been using this emerging
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technology to battle al qaeda threats in yemen and pakistan and other countries. there has been pressure from the administration to provide more transparency. martha? martha: speaking of transparency there has been an increasing concern about the possibility of drones over u.s. soil as well. any reaction or any change as a result of this move to that? >> well, absolutely, really in the last 24 hours privacy advocates say, excuse me, laws need to be in place to protect american civilians from these drones during a senate judiciary committee hearing. legal experts say these devices which can be as small as backpack and light as few pounds are becoming increasingly cheaper and more efficient than manned hellp could terse and planes already in use. congress is working with the faa to allow more than 7,000 drones in the u.s. skies in the next five years or so. senator dick durbin spoke at hearing yesterday and he reiterated really the importance of privacy for citizens. >> i believe most of us
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believe it's very important right that we cherish and want to protect and that is what this conversation is about. we're trying to take a document, the constitution in this case, written many years ago and apply it to the modern world and at times we have had to struggle with that. >> reporter: now these devices can be used for police swat teams and other means as border issues or agriculture monitor. the question, martha should it be regulated by the feds or by the state government? back to you. >> important questions. thank you, elizabeth. bill: becoming more and more popular too. multimillion-dollar bounty put on two americans of the fbi's list of the most wanted terrorists. the state department is offering $10 million for information leading to the arrest of these two men. the left of your screen. omar hamami. former resident of alabama. on the right, must starve fa. he lived in wisconsin. both are suspected to work
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with al qaeda linked terrorists in somalia to attack u.s. citizens. martha: budget battle going on in the house. lawmakers will vote on this gentleman's plan. he is he can speaking on the floor of the house that is congressman paul ryan. why the plan is expected to face road blacks soon. bill: this man is making headlines. senator rand paul is heading to an important event that could be a sign of what is in his future and we'll ask him about that, the future of the party ahead. >> ideas i'm talking about could help republicans grow in areas like california, new england, illinois, states who have given up on republicans. we have to think about new ideas if we're going to be competitive as a national party.
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bill: so a house committee now targeting federal employees and contractors who failed to pay their taxes. it passed yesterday in committee. if approved on the floor of the house the bills would allow the government to take action by firing people. congressman jason chaffetz
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and introduced it and said this must be put into action. >> look, if you don't pay your federal taxes you should be fired. that is what the bill does. it says if you're trying to make whole on this, you're going through some sort of restitution, great, you're fine. but we have 107,000 current federal employees on the, being paid by the taxpayers, that have serious delinquent tax debt and we have to fire those people if they refuse to pay their taxes. bill: take a load of this, 2011, nearly 312,000 federal workers and retirees owe more than $3.5 billion in back taxes that is 12% jump from the year before. also in that story, you had companies who were receiving government contracts who were not paying their taxes and still not getting contracts. martha: yeah. bill: they're still making the money. martha: imagine, right? all the taxpayer paid employed and in the contractor business not doing what the rest of us are doing. so we'll see if they get anywhere with that. let's go back to capitol
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hill where there is many so action on the floor of the house. lawmakers are focused on the budget. they're expected to vote today on congressman paul ryan's plan. the house budget plan that he has proposed looks to balance the budget over the next 10 years by repealing president obama's health care law and creating a vouch every-like model for medicare. it also calls on lawmakers to address the issue of social security. something paul ryan talked about quite a bit. bret baier, anchor of "special report" joins us live. good morning, bret. >> good morning, martha. martha: what are we watching on the floor of the house today and what do we expect from the paul ryan vote? >> they expect this will pass. republicans probably don't have a lot of votes, the window that they will probably pass it by won't be probably that many. they can only afford 15 defections on this vote in order to get it through because all of the house democrats are expected to vote no, like they did last time. if the last time the paul
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ryan budget made it through, they had 10 house republican defections. this time they can only afford to lose 15 in order to get it passed. it is expected to get passed. yesterday he saw a bit of theatrics on the house floor. the republican study committee came forward with their budget proposal. it balanced the budget in five years. did a number of different cuts including, and also raised the social security age to 70. house democrats in order to pit republican against republican and force those republicans to make those votes, for the most part all voted present. so you had most of the votes present. and then you had republicans versus republicans. it was voted down by a small margin but, paul ryan's budget is expected to get through. martha: that was a very interesting thing to watch. you know obviously they were trying to make it a lot leave anybodye republicans much wiggle room on that
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more stringent conservative-backed budget plan. let's talk a little bit, i want to show people some of the basic elements of the senate budget plan that came from the democrats, from patty murray. here is look at some of the biggest elements of that. it keeps obamacare. that is a given. some modest cuts to medicare providers. no specifics on social security, really no, you know, real cuts to entitlements at all, as opposed to paul ryan's plan. the other big headline there is that it doesn't make, it doesn't balance the budget at all. not 10 years, not anytime, right? >> that's right. it doesn't. it doesn't balance at all. and it is really interesting about this vote, because there will be some democrats, up for re-election in red states, in states that traditionally vote republican, that may have a tough time casting a vote for this particular budget. because it doesn't balance. also, remember, that a number of these senators
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have never voted on a budget. martha: yeah. good point. >> the senate has never put one forward. this will be their first vote on a budget and this process will then get them on the record supporting this version. so it's, you know it is an important moment tomorrow. martha: sure is. what a great point. some have been around several years and never voted on a budget before. this will be a first-time experience. we hope they enjoy that part of the job. bret, thank you so much. see you tonight on "special report". bret baier. bill: 18 past the hour. secretary of state john kerry is under fire. why a group of lawmakers are saying that the state department is not doing enough to free an american pastor jailed in iran. an update on that. martha: an amazing discovery where a piece of of apollo history was just found. ♪ .
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isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. martha: well they got out the paddie wag gone. there was nearly 100 arrests at union protest in las vegas. 2000 workers blocking traffic on the strip during lunch hour. they have been working without a contract for two years at the cosmopolitan casinos. this is one of the last nonunionized casinos on the vegas strip. the last protest was back 10 years ago in 2003. bill: key pieceses of nasa history have been found three miles under the atlantic ocean. these are pieces from the a polly mission from 40 years ago. phil keating live from miami. how significant is the
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discovery? >> reporter: bill. this is quintessential needle in haystack three miles out in the deep in total act blackness. they're back where they came, from cape canaveral, florida. bezos expedition spent three weeks in the atlantic finding his tore rick components that sent humans to the moon and plucking them from the ocean floor and hoisting them to the surface. bezos, founder of the, serious space enthusiast, they worked tirelessly operating the remote vehicles lights and cam as spotting what had not been seen 40 years. we found under water wonderland. guard enof twisted engines that tell the story of a fiery and violent end one that serves testament to the apollo program. the massive saturn 5 rockets powered every apollo mission
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to space including of course the historic 1969 apollo 11 mission. as we all know truly was a giant step for mankind. bill: indeed it was. what happens now that they recovered this? >> reporter: all of these rocket parts and these engines will eventually be going to museums. most likely kennedy space center in florida and the smithsonian in d.c. so everybody who wants to see the historic pieces of space artifact history will be able to see them in person. those engine and rocket parts splashed down 360 miles east of florida back in the late '60s and early '70s, after blasting seven apollo missions to space, six which put astronauts right on the lunar surface. the task is to prevent further corrosion. one draw back because of times and elements and 40 plus years underwater, some of the serial numbers on these parts are no longer readable. so it is going to be quite a challenge to match up with artifact they found goes
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with which historic apollo mission. truly an incredible find. bill: cool. phil keating thanks. three miles deep. martha. martha: republican senator rand paul taking a controversial step with his plan on immigration reform. why would he do that? we'll ask him about that, right here in "america's newsroom". >> unfortunately like many of the debates in washington immigration has become a stalemate where both sides are imprisoned by their own rhetoric or attached to sacred cows that prevent the possibility of a balanced solution. ism my graduation will not occur until conservative republicans like myself become part of the solution. [ g ca sensitive issue. upgrade to gillette fusion proglide. our micro-thin blades are thinner than a surgeon's scalpel to put less stress on your skin by gliding through hair. fusion proglide from gillette. the best a man can get. fusion proglide from gillette. new griddle-melts to youre usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you.
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martha: back to president obama's trip for a moment. he is set to meet with palestinian leaders in the west bank after making stops yesterday in israel. fox news sat down with israeli president shimon perez. ed henry is live in jerusalem. he had strong comments about iran's nuclear program. >> reporter: that's right, martha, the fact is that both president perez, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu are watching the words of the american president very closely. they've had strained relations before. they listened to the president say at the joint news conference with the prime minister that he would have israel's back in trying to stop iran's nuclear program. president perez invited me into the garden he walked yesterday with president obama. he invited us in for this exclusive interview and he says
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he believes if all diplomatic options are exhausted that president obama in his words is not going to be chicken, and will actually launch military action against iran to stop its nuclear program. take a listen to what he had to say. >> the u.s. is ready to shoot if necessary. >> yes, i mean but he said it too. he said i'm going to explore all other possibilities. america is really looking for peace, but if somebody threatens peace america is not a chicken. >> reporter: america is not chicken those are the words of president perez exclusively to fox. this is a grave issue right now in this region because just moments ago we learned that the iranian leadership is out saying that if israel or by extension the u.s. launches some sort of attack against iran they are
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literally threatening that he will wipe two israeli cities off the map,-tpa and tel-aviv saying they will bomb the cities in retaliation. this is a big deal. martha: an escalation in the rhetoric at this point in this situation. as we watched yesterday when the president was in israel there were four rockets fired from gaza into israel. how serious was that attack? >> reporter: well, fortunately nobody was injured. and we ned to stress that. the fact that the u.s. president is here on israeli soil and this morning four rockets, according to israeli police come rang raining down from gaza apparently from hamas, the palestinian militants. they believe it's connected to the fact that president obama was meeting hours after the rockets falling down, he was meeting with president abbas over in the west bank and president perez told me it was a direct connection, hamas trying to send a message. president obama in his own
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comments in a news conference today said this is a hinderance in the peace process. take a listen. >> israelis have concerns about rockets flying into their cities last night. you know, and it would be easy for them you see this is why we can't have peace, because, you know, we can't afford to have our kids in beds sleeping and suddenly a rocket comes through the roof. >> reporter: the president going object to say that secretary of state john kerry who is with him on this trip will be coming back in the days ahead to troy and get the stalled mideast peace process going again. you can see based on what is happening right now it is going nowhere fast right now. martha: very interesting trip so far. ed, thank you very much. ed henry in jerusalem. >> reporter: good to see you. bill: back to this country, kentucky senator rand paul will headline a major republican fund-raiser dinner in iowa fueling speculation of a run at the white house in 2016 after he got a lot of buzz at cpac
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winning the straw poll there in washington, often seen is a big get for presidential hopefuls, senator paul just squeezing by florida senator marco rubio, the kentucky republican is with me now member of the senate foreign relations committee. good morning to you and welcome back to "america's newsroom." >> glad to be with you. >> you are in the news this week for immigration. i want to talk specifically on a part of this issue that is absolutely key for you to get more republican support and your own ideas across, that is border security. how do you define that? >> the problem has always been, back in the 80s we normalized people and they promised us border security and it never came. conservatives are skeptical of immigration reform because they say you'll promise this again, you'll secure the border and ten years tr now there will be 11 million new people that come across illegally. we want absolute guarantee that the border is secure as part of immigration reform.
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i proposed an amendment called trust but verify. and it says that every year congress has to vote on border security, and if the border is secure the immigration reform progresses, this the border is not secure immigration reform stops until the border becomes secure. bill: i understand you put a stop on that in terms of the language. is that based on a number of border kroeupbgs crossings, troops on the border, people that go in and go out, how do you define that? >> it will be based on a lot of things. we are still work opening the exact language to tell you the truth. it will be on how well we are enforcing it. for example, now, when we catch people crossing illegally we let them go and say, owe, please come back for a court date in about a month and a small percentage return and the rest remain in the country on the land illegally. so really you have to have enforcement where you are caught crossing the border 100% go back home, because we need legal immigration but we have to have
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no illegal immigration. part of that has to be fixing the worker program too. we have 65,000 official work permits being issued to pick crops but a million people coming in crops. so why aren't the other million getting work visas? something is wrong with the work visa program. bill: that is a great point too it seems on border security the definition slides a bit and it could slide over time. >> we'll have to figure that out. that is something open for debate. there is not an exact right or wrong as to what border security is. the border patrol will help to tell us what segments of the border are secured. we will have an investigator general that looks at how long people are being checked for background checks, how many people are crossing illegally. so there will be parameters that are real numbers that you can look a. the other thing we've been considering is adding in reports from each of the border governors, so have the governors write a report for arizona, for texas, for new mexico and california and then vote on
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their reports as part of the overall report on border security. bill: you know you're a ripe target for the word amnesty. i know you mentioned it a little bit. conservatives on the right, they will pin this on you like ann coulter last saturday, listen here. >> if amnesty comes through america becomes california and no republican will ever win another national election. bill: it went a lot further than this. rush limbaugh says that republican ideas are being sold down the line. people like colter and limbaugh say people like you are being suckered into an agreement here. what they argue is that conservative principles should not be sacrificed here, it's that the republican message has been lost in the process. what would you say to that? >> i've got a news flash for those who want to call people names on amnesty. what we have now is de facto amnesty. we have 11 million people here that have been here some of them for a decade or more. no one is telling them to go home or sending them home.
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i would say if you want to work we'll find a police for you, that doesn't mean you get special privileges it just means we'll get you a work visa. work advice a really we have plenty of work visas to give every year, we are not giving them out because the process is too onerous, so we node to make the facility of getting a work -- visa much easier, but the idea that somehow -- stpha bill: the phreupbt cal point senator is penned bending to wishessess to the left and you're bending with it as opposed to upholding conservative principles. >> the clip you played said oh, we won't be competitive in national elections. here is another news flash we haven't been too competitive in the last two national elections. i'm not asking for an abrogation of law or not conservative. i'm the one up here saying we have to have border security. i am up here saying if people want to work we'll find a police for them and i think that is not
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only the right thing to do but a way to expand the republican party will people will listen to us, because they say it's a reasonable stance. bill: i apologize, senator i wish i had more time. we've got some breaking news now from gerald. martha: straight to president obama who is at the geral jerusalem contention center. let's listen in. >> i bring with me the support of the american people. [cheers and applause] >> and the friendship that binds us together. [cheers and applause] >> you know over the last two days i've reaffirmed the bonds between our countries with prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president perez. i've borne witness to the ancient history of the jewish
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people at the shrine of the book. i've seen your shining future in your scientists and entrepreneurs. this is a nation of museums and patents, timeless holy sites, groundbreaking innovation. only in israel could you see the dead sea scrolls and the place where the technology on board the mars rover originated at the same time. [cheers and applause] >> but what i've most looked forward to is the ability to speak directly to you, the israeli people, especially so many young people who are here today. [cheers and applause] >> the talk about the history that brought us here today and the future that you will make in the years to come. now i know that in israel's
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vibrant democracy every word, every gesture is carefully scrutinized, but i want to clear something up just so you know, any drama between me and my friend benjamin netanyahu over the years was just a plot to create material for -- [speaking foreign language] that's the only thing it was for. [cheers and applause] >> we just wanted to make sure the writers had good material. [laughter] >> i also know that i've come to israel on the eve of a sacred holiday, the celebration of pass over. and that is where i would like to begin today. just a few days from now jews here in israel and around the world will sit with family and friends at the table and
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celebrate with songs, wine, and symbolic foods. after enjoying that with family and friends and chicago on the campaign trial i'm proud that i've brought this tradition into the white house, and i did so -- [cheers and applause] >> i did so because i wanted my daughters to experience. [speaking foreign language] >> and the story at the center of passover that makes this time of year so powerful. it's a story of centuries of slavery, and years of wandering in the desert, a story of perseverance amid persecution, and faith in god and the tora. it's a story of finding freedom in your own land. and for the jewish people this story is central to who you've become.
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but it's also a story that holds within it the universal human experience, with all of its suffering, but also all of its salvation. it's a part of the three great religions, jud judiasm, christianity that trace their roots to abraham and has inspired communities across the globe, including me and my fellow americans. in the united states a nation made up of people who crossed oceans to start anew were actually drawn to the idea of finding freedom in our land. the african-americans, the story of the exodus was perhaps the central story, the most powerful image about emerging from the grip of bondage to reach for liberty and human dignity, a
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tale that was carried from savory through the civil rights movement into today. for generations this promise helped people weather poverty and persecution while holding onto the hope that a better day was on the horizon. for me personally growing up in far-flung parts of the world and without firm roots the store row spoke to a yearning for every human being for a home. even as we draw strength from god's will and the freedom expressed on pass over we also know that here on earth we must bear our responsibilities in an imperfect world. that means accepting our measure of sacrifice and struggle, just like previous generations. it means us working through
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generation after generation on behalf of that ideal of freedom. as dr. martin luther king said on the day before he was killed, i may not get there with you, but i want you to know that we as a people will get to the promised land. so just -- [cheers and applause] >> so just as joshua carried on after moses the work goes on for all of you, the joshua generation, for justice and dignity, for opportunity and freedom. sore the jewish people the journey to the promise of the state of israel wound through countless generations. it involved centuries of suffering and exile, prejudice, and eve even general even
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genocide. through it all the people sustained their ideals as well as the longing to return home. while jews achieved extraordinary success in many parts of the world true freedom found it full expression in the zionist idea to be a free people in your homeland. that's why i believe that israel is rooted not just in history and tradition but also in a simple and profound idea. the idea that people deserve to be free in a land of their own. [cheers and applause] >> over the last 65 years when israel has been at its best israelis have demonstrated that responsibility does not end when you reach the promised land, it only begins.
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so israel has been a refuge, welcoming jews from europe, from the former soviet union, from ethiopia, from north africa. [applause] >> israel has built a prosperous nation through the desert blooming, business that broadened the middle khrarbgs innovators who reached new frontiers from the smallest microchip to the orbits of space. israel has established a thriving democracy with a spirited civil society and proud political parties and a tireless free press, and a lively public debate, lively may be an understatement. [applause] >> israel has achieved all this even as its overcome relentless
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threats to its security, through the courage of the israel defense forces and the citizenry that is so resilient in the face of terror. this is the story of israel. this is the work that has brought the dreams of so many generations to light. and every step of the way israel has built unbreakable bonds of friendship with my country, the united states of america. [applause] >> those ties began only 11 minutes after israeli independence when the united states was the first nation to recognize the state of israel. [applause] >> as president truman said in explaining his decision to recognize israel, he said, i believe it has a glorious future before it not just as another
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sovereign nation but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization. and since then we've built a friendship that advances our shared interests. together we share a committment to security for our citizens, and the stability of the middle east and north africa. together we share a focus on advancing economic growth around the globe and strengthening the middle class within our own countries. together we share a stake in the success of democracy. but the source of our friendship extends beyond mere interests, just as it has transended political parties and individual leaders. america is a nation of immigrants. america is street end by diversity. america's enriched by faith, we are governed not simply by men and women but bylaws. we are fueled lie
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entrepreneurship and innovation and we allow each generation to reimagine and renew our union once more. so in israel we see values that we share, even as we recognize what makes us different. that is an essential part of our bond. now, i stand here today mindful that for both our nations these are some complicated times. we have difficult tkweuft issuetkweuft issues to work through for our own countries and face upheavals around the world. when i look at young people in the united states i think about the choices they must make in their lives who will be as a nation in this 21st century, particularly when we emerge from two wars and the worst doctor
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depression since the great recession. part of the reason i like talking to young people is no matter how great the challenges are, their idealism, their energy, their ambition always gives me hope. [applause] and i see the same spirit in the young people here today. [applause] >> i believe that you will shape our future and given the ties between our countries i believe your future is bound to ours. [chanting] [booing ] >> no, no. [chanting] this is part of the lively debate that we talked about. [cheers and applause] >> this is good.
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[cheers and applause] >> you know -- [cheers and applause] >> i have to say we actually arranged for that because it made me feel at home. [laughter] >> you know i wouldn't feel comfortable if i didn't have at least one heckler. [laughter] >> i'd like to focus on how we, and when i say we, in particular young people can work together to make progress in three areas that will define our times,
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security, peace, and prosperity. [applause] >> let me begin with security. i'm proud that the security relationship between the united states and israel has never been stronger. never. more exercises between our militaries. more exchanges among our political and military and intelligence officials than ever before. the largest program to date to help you retain your qualitative military edge. these are the facts, these are my opinions, these are facts. but to me this is not simply measured on a balance sheet. i know that here in israel
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security is something personal. here is what i think about when i consider these issues. when i consider israel's security i think about children like osha twito, whom i met. children the same age as may own daughters, who went to bed at ft would land in their bedroom simply because of who they are and where they live. [applause] >> that reality is why we've invested in the iron dome system to save countless lives, because those children deserve to sleep better at night. [applause] >> that's why we've made it clear time and begin that israel cannot accept rocket attacks from gaza and we have stood up for israel's right to defend
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itself. [applause] >> and that's why israel has a right to expect hamas to renounce violence and recognize israel's right to exist. [cheers and applause] >> when i think about israel's security i think about five israelis who boarded a bus in bulgaria, were blown up because of where they came from, robbed of the ability to live and love and raise families. that's why every country that values country should call hezbollah what it truly is, a terrorist organization. [cheers and applause] >> was the worlbecause the
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world cannot tolerate an organization that tock piles rockets to shot at cities and massacres men and women and children in syria right now. the fact that hezbollah's ally the assad regime has stockpiles of chemical weapons only heightens the urgency. we will continue to cooperate closely to guard against that danger. i've made it clear to bashar al-assad and all who follow his orders, we will not tolerate the use of chemical weapons against the syrian people or the transfer of those weapons to terrorists. the world is watching, we will hold you accountable. [applause] >> the syrian people have the right to be freed from the grip of a dictator who would rather kill his own people than relinquish power. [applause] >> assad must go so the serious
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future can begin. because true stability in syria depends upon establishing a government that is responsible to its people, one that protects all communities within its border while making peace in countries beyond them. these are the things i think about when i think about israel's security. when i consider israel's security i also think about a people who have a living memory of the holocaust faced with the prospect of a nuclear armed iranian government that has called for israel's destruction. it's no wonder israelis view this as an exsatisfactory tension althreat. it is a danger for the entire world including the united states not just for israel. [applause] >> a nuclear armed iran would raise the risk of nuclear terrorism, undermine the
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nonproliferation ra skwraoerpblgs spark an armed race in a volatile region and embolden a government that has shown no respect for the right of its own people or the responsibilities of nations. that's why america has built a coalition to increase the cost of iran for failing to meet their obligations. the iranian government is now under more pressure than ever before and that pressure is increasing. it is isolated, its economy is in dire straits, it's leadership is divided and its position in the region and the world has only grown weaker. [applause] >> i do believe that all of us have an interest in resolving this issue peacefully, strong and pi principle eddie phroepl


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